quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2017

30 Years of ERASMUS+ PROJECTS - Canárias - 19-21 October 2017

After 10h travelling we arrived at the Youth House in El Rosario, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canárias - Manuela Correia, Andréa Duarte e Fernando Ilídio from ICE

TRODEU is included in this XI Meating of Internacional Experiences

Puting all together on stage!

Patrícia Morales, painting the TRODEU´s Ukelele for Jesus, the Coordinator of this Erasmus+ Project

Almost ready!


Some products that we made for the "Digital backpack" of Trodeu

The bookmarkers that the students from EB2/3 Dr. Francisco Sanches, Braga, made for this XI Meating

Books everywhere!

Jesus, the Coordinator talking with all the participants during the break

Diferent projects from diferent schools

Gloria Fuertes, an unforgetable writer!

Poetry from Gloria Fuertes

The beginning of the Internacional Meating

Projects presentation

Childrens Literature, an art project form Barcelona

terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2017

From Sweden

Hello all,

Irina send us her blog so everybody can participate in her class. 
Remember that her school is a multicultural school for adults and they have people from more then 20 countries!
Check it out here:


Have a nice week and see you in Tenerife, this week for the 30 years celebrations of Erasmus+ Projects!


domingo, 15 de outubro de 2017

Interequipas do ICE

Reunimos a 14 e de 15 de Outubro, durante o fim de semana, em Setúbal, para refletirmos sobre os projetos, as dinâmicas e as ações locais, nacionais e internacionais do ICE. Tivemos um bom grupo de 26 professores, educadores, técnicos e ainda contámos com a presença da Presidente da Câmara de Setúbal, a quem também mostrámos o que fizemos em dois anos de trabalho no âmbito do projeto TRODEU.
Andréa - ICE

sábado, 14 de outubro de 2017

Mooc - D. Quixote

Patricia, from Belgium send us more news!

Look here and share it all with other teachers and with the community.
A new MOOC about D. Quixote!
Try it! It´s fantastic :)



Materials to share with all

Hello all,
I would like to add the new cards on Human Rights to our digital backpack. 
I will try to have then also in English and Portuguese.
Look at then here in this blog:

En este novo blog vamos a mejorar el texto de reflexiones.

Un abrazo a todos,

PS - See our flyer and print it out here:


sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2017

Exposição de Boas Práticas TRODEU

Olá amigos,

Estamos quase a reunirmo-nos nas Canárias, em Santa Cruz de Tenerife, para celebrarmos os 30 anos dos Projetos ERASMUS e para comemorarmos o TRODEU e muitos outros projetos europeus, numa Exposição de Boas Práticas organizada pela SOCAEAN!
De 19 a 22 de Outubro estaremos a celebrar a cooperação, a partilha, a amizade, a troca de ideias e experiências, a construção de conhecimento e de materiais pedagógicos e didáticos.
Apareçam e tragam um amigo também!


quinta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2017

Carta de la Tierra - materiais para educação de adultos

Olá a todos,

Aqui adjunto parte del material para la mochila digital: se trata de las tarjetas y los cuentos sobre la Carta de la Tierra. Los he puesto en un blog, y de alli se puede levantar todo el material necesario:

​(tiene enlaces a una website, porque no he logrado publicar PDF en el blog, solo textos y fotos)

Voy a continuar con el MOOC de Don Quijote!

Un gran abrazo,

More materials to explore

Here is a blog with intergeneracional materials to learn more about ukelele.
Patricia send it to us. Thanks Patricia!
Try it here:


Alguns testemunhos da participação no TRODEU e Exposição de Boas Práticas TRODEU nas Canárias

"Olá Jesús e Equipa Trodeu,
Estamos de Parabéns por 2 anos de projeto e de tantas aprendizagens, viagens e trocas de experiências! Foi muito bom ter-vos conhecido e poder conhecer as vossas realidades, os vossos países, assim como estarmos juntos!"
                                                                                                            Andréa, Portugal
"Queridos amigos:

Es con la palabra "amigos" que me tengo que dirigir a todos vosotros, diciendo "gracias". Ha sido maravilloso compartir con alegria, generosidad y nobleza nuestras experiencias, vivencias y conocimientos.
Somo me queda decir que Trodeu termina su primer ciclo, y todos deseamos continuar colaborando solidariamente.
Un abrazo para todos!"
                                                                                                                            Patricia, Belgium

"Como bien dices termina este primer ciclo TRODEU y del 19 al 22 de octubre de 2017 empieza la construcción de un puente entre el primer ciclo y el segundo ciclo TRODEU.
La EXPOSICIÓN DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS TRODEU  se celebrará en Tenerife, del 19 al 22 de octubre de 2017, para a conmemoración del 30 aniversario dos programas Erasmus+.
El Jefe de la Sesión de Adultos de ERASMUs+, en España, confirmó que asistirá a nuestra exposición!"
                                                                                          Jesus, Canárias

Hello TRODEU-team!
I agree with all of you about this very usefull and enjoyable  period with TRODEU. Thank you all! 
Warm hugs from cold and rainy Sweden!

Irina, Gotemburg

segunda-feira, 2 de outubro de 2017

Transnacional Meeting in Braga - March 2017

This transnacional meeting took place at Dr. Francisco Sanches School, in Braga. The school is one of ICE´s partners and worked with us in this project. At the entrance of the school we built a corner for ICE and TRODEU´s project so everybody from school, from the community and from the Portuguese Ministery of Education, could know us better.
Trodeu Corner
The meeting at the teachers room - Irina (Sweden) and Roger (Belgian).

Roger (Belgian), Maya (Sweden), Oili (Sweden), Fernando (Portugal), Manuela (Portugal), Patrícia (Belgian), Jesus (Canárias), Zebensuy (Canárias) and José (Canárias).
 Maya, presenting one of our posters

                   Patrícia presenting some other posters                           

The all team visit the 5th grade classroom to see the presentation they prepared for the teachers about D. Quixote and the Childrens Rights. The same presentation will be done at the end of May to the community and to the parents.

Manuela presenting the powerpoint with ICE´s work since the meating in Lanzarote (October 2016)

Along the Trodeu Meeting we had and Internacional Meeting organized by ICE, TRODEU and the School Francisco Sanches - "Alquimia ". During this day we had conferences about education, workshops made by diferent teachers (in the photo - Andréa Duarte, from ICE, in a very crowded workshop about literature and how to promote it) and a special conference about TRODEU, by Jesus, Zebensuy, Oili, Irina, Patricia, Roger ans Fernando Ilídio. Manuela Correia from ICE, also presented the Pedagogical Kit to Gypsie Communities "Romano Atmo", learning through the oral storys.

On monday, 6th of March, by morning, we went to Braga´s City Hall to be received by the mayor, Ricardo Rio and to present the all team, since he already new the project from other meetings with ICE and Francisco Sanches.

By the end of the work day we went to a cultural visit to Bom Jesus!

Maya and Oili also went to spend the day in Oporto, and they loved the old Lello´s Bookshop!

You can see more photos and read about other Transnational Metings here, in our website:


Visit our website and give us sugestions!
Thank you all!


quinta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2017

Final Meeting - TRODEU in Leuven at the KU Leuven - June 2017

  Patricia (Belgian), Sílvia (Canárias), Irina (Sweden), Andréa e Manuela (Portugal).
 Organizing the work and the final report with Jesus-Luis Ravelo, the coordinator
 KU Leuven -where Patrícia and Roger received us!
 Cultural visit to the historical center of Leuven and dinner
 Gardens at KU Leuven
 Leuven, historical center by night - and all of us thinking about the next project we shal do together!

quarta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2017


Hello TRODEU friends!

We are here! Alive! 
We have been very, very busy with activities, holidays, the beginning of the school year, teachers meetings, new projects, making materials, reports and so on...

Our project was a 2 years project but it seems that we work with each other since... ever!
Time flies and now it´s time to organize all the work we have been done in this project, make the final reports and keep on working together, because the Erasmus+ projects have this great thing - we became friends and keep on working and networking for life!

I want to express here my gratitute with our Team from Sweden, Belgian and Canárias. Thank you all, because we had two great years working, talking over and travelling through diferent cultures and around our schools, associatitons, adult education training centers, community centers for adults, community centers for adults with disabilities, art centers, and so on...

We learn a lot and we saw different realities; we thought together and we manage to put our ideas working and specially, working with real people, and that was awesome! It is awesome!

This blog was built to be intactive, but it never was... And that is something we must think over and do in some other way next project.

The news here is that one of our goals was to make a digital backpack with different materials that could be used by teachers in adult aducation.
We all worked on this and we have an english class blog from Irina (swedish english teacher, from a multicultural school); a Pedagogical Kit to work with gypsies (from ICE and a gypsie woman portuguese organazition - AMUCIPE), finnaly approved by the Portuguese General Direction of Education;  Literary Routes from Zebensuy (Canarian language teacher), a mooc from Patrícia (belgian teacher from KU Leuven) and many, many other materials. 
Patrícia is making the final draw  to the backpack and then it all will be in the site of the project, available to all.

Check it out on www.trodeu.org and also check the ICE´s new website in www.iceweb.org and the direct link made to our Trodeu website.
Finnaly see and make download of the Pedagogical Kit "Romano Atmo" (that means Gypsie Soul) at http://www.dge.mec.pt/kit-pedagogico-romano-atmo-alma-cigana 
and use it!

Have a nice week,
Andréa Duarte
ICE - Institute of Educational Communities

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017

What have we done since March 2016?

Hello friends :)

A year went by and we worked very hard on our project, doing a lot of things! You can read above about our transnacional meetings:

"During the year 2016, three Transnational Meetings / Training / Exposition of Good Practices were carried out within the scope of the multilateral TRODEU project, which has as partners Sweden, Belgium and the Canaries. The first meeting this year took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, from 12-16 April, and we were received by Oili Vesenne and Irina Bergman, teachers of Spanish and English, respectively, at the Multicultural Folk High School.

Multicultural Folk High School is a secondary school, integrated into the Swedish educational system and belongs to a network of 150 schools of this type that are spread all over the country.

Some 45 people work at the school, including the principal, pegagogical coordination teachers, teacher assistants and non-teaching staff.

The school is located outside the center of Gothenburg, in a suburban area with a high percentage of immigrant population. At the time of its construction, the school served exclusively Finnish immigrants or spoke Finnish. From 1996 onwards it became known as Multicultural Folk High School, receiving immigrants whose mother tongues are Somali, Arabic and Kurdish among others. At present, between teachers and students, more than 24 different mother tongues are spoken!

During this meeting there were specific moments for each partner to present their institution and the work that develops, to work on project themes, discuss proposals and give suggestions, to attend some classes, to introduce TRODEU to the school community and also to know a little Gothenburg and Swedish culture.

 On 14 April we were received at the Gothenburg Town Hall by the Councilor for Culture, who met us for an hour and a half, gave us an insight into the work they have done on a cultural level for the people of Gothenburg and asked us to present the TRODEU project and The institutions that each of us represented, as well as the work developed for the benefit of education.

On the 15th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., it was spent at the school where we actively participated in the "Open Day of Multicultural Folk High School".

There was a great exposition of the works carried out by the students and teachers throughout the school year, several workshops taking place simultaneously with the participation of the community (Kurdish and Eritrean dances, ceramics, jewelry, Eritrean coffee ceremony, Mindfulness through drawing, traditional Guinean music ...). Lunch was served at school and the food was prepared by the students, starting with the different nationalities and the traditional flavors of each one. After lunch we were working on the project and preparing the work to be developed by June, which will be presented in Belgium.

The second Project / Training Meeting was held in Belgium, the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), the Faculty of Letters and also "Erasmus House", from 12 to 16 June. We were greeted by Dr Patrícia Morales and Dr. Roger Janssen, the Belgian team present in this transnational project. We had a very interesting and intense work program with the mornings spent in the Faculty and the afternoons in visits to various institutions.

The meeting began on the 13th at 9am with a healthy breakfast around the work table at the Erasmus House. In fact, every morning started like this! Each partner then presented the activities carried out since the meeting in Sweden, and demonstrations of some of these activities related to Experimental Sciences and to Children's Literature were given. Several issues were discussed and doubts were raised regarding future activities, such as the construction of a "Digital Backpack", the carrying out of a MOOC on Don Quixote, the maintenance of the blog, the beginning of a study on teaching; etc…

Most of our afternoons were filled with meetings and visits to different formal and informal educational institutions for young people and adults such as "De Wijnpers" - a professional school linked to the Agricultural activity; The Center for Living Languages ​​"Centrum voor Levende Talen - CTL"; "Sint Albertus College" - school for specific learning of Flemish; The "SPIT - Kringwinkel" - a municipal institution that employs about two hundred people who do all the sorting, recycling, recovery and sale of second-hand materials - (http://www.spit.be/inzamelcentrum-spit. Aspx); The Municipal Academy of Plastic Arts "Beeldende Kunst Overijse BKO"; The "De Keerselaar" - a center for reception and work for adults with special needs (http://users.telenet.be/dekerselaar/visie.html); The Center for Reception for Political Refugees - "Rixensart" and the beautiful Leuven Library.The closing of the work took place in the house of Prof. Patrícia who was kind enough to invite us all to a dinner with various flavors!


The third and final meeting of the year / Exhibition of Good Practices took place between 23 and 30 October in Lanzarote, the island that José Saramago, the Nobel of Portuguese Literature, elected to live.
This working meeting was part of a very important annual event for teachers in the Canary Islands: CIJLEES Meetings. These annual meetings are organized by an Association of Teachers of Language and Literature, "SOCAEN - Sociedad Canaria Elio Antonio de Nebrija", and every year, the meetings are held on a different island within the Canary Islands archipelago.

SOCAEN is also the general coordinating entity of TRODEU and it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to be present and to have participated in the "X CIJLEES Encounter and International Exhibition of Library Experiences and Animation of the Reader", having as general theme the Commemoration of IV Centennial of the Death of Cervantes that took place on October 27, 28 and 29, at the Centro Civico de Arrecife. In addition to the participation in these three days of intense sharing of practices, experiences and knowledge that counted with teachers of various degrees of education, from pre-school to university education, we also had the participation of several researchers from the work of Cervantes, experienced area librarians Various workshops ranging from origami to illustration, book launching, outdoor recitals, awarding of prizes, public presentation of the TRODEU project by the various partners and the debate on the importance of the participation of schools in projects of this kind. Gender, a table called "The European Projects an Important Tool at the Service of Education".

In addition to the meeting, where we took stock of the work done and what we have to do and implement on the ground, we were putting together two exhibitions. The first one was the "TRODEU Good Practice Exhibition", within the "X CIJLEES Meeting and International Exhibition of Library Experiences and Reader Animation", where each partner had a space to present their school or association, as well as the work done for each in the framework of this transnational Project.

ICE presented its various publications, as well as the work developed, both in Setúbal and Braga, within the scope of this project, in the form of powerpoints and products made by the participating students and teachers. We thank the Group of Schools Dr. Francisco Sanches and especially the students of the 5th grade class, Prof. Isabel Candeias, for the fantastic work of creating bookmarks of books and blocks, which they performed from the presentation And reading the work of Cervantes - "D. Quixote ", which were exhibited and, at the end of the meeting, offered to participating teachers.

We are also grateful to the Vila Verde School Group, especially to the 3rd grade class of Prof.ª Céu, with whom we presented and read "D. Quixote ", as well as a building of book markers. We know that these two groups continue to deepen the theme of Don Quixote and are preparing plays, puppets and puppets for the retelling of this timeless story.

The second exhibition took place in the Cultural Exhibition Hall of the Town Hall in Charco San Ginés - "Interactive Exhibition on Cervantes' Life, Work and Death - Importance and Influence of" El Quixote "in the World". For this exhibition we counted, in addition to book markers and blocks made by Portuguese students, with a "gigantinho" (a small statue) of D. Quixote, performed by the Bracaran artist and bonecreiro, Constantino Teixeira. Tino, known nationally for its "gigantinos e bonetinas, cabeçudos e gigantones", has collaborated with ICE in various events, formations and projects, being also a partner and trainer in the EB2 / 3 Dr. Francisco Sanches.

To conclude this report, I can not fail to mention how well we were received by the Alcadesa of the City Council of Arrecife, Mrs. Eva de Anta de Benedito, with whom the TRODEU group met to present the project and get to know the Municipality and its educational policies better, as well as the colleagues from the Canaries who welcomed us and also provided us with participation in various cultural activities, from sessions With storytellers, going on a trip to the famous vineyards of Lanzarote and ending with the fantastic study visit to the volcanoes of the Timanfaya National Park."

               To all colleagues TRODEU, our "Thank you!"


Andréa Duarte

ICE - Institute of Educational Communities

Portuguese Coordinator of TRODEU